
Pastors & Staff

david woodruff

Senior Pastor

Pastor David  joined the staff at Skyline on February 1, 2007.  He and his wife Amy were married in 1993, and have five wonderful children and two perfect grandchildren.  Since the age of nine, David has believed that God has called him to be a pastor.  His passion is to faithfully preach the Word of God with great clarity and humility – striving to echo the words of the apostle Paul who said, “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24). 


Associate Pastor

Tim joined the staff at Skyline in February, 2011.  He and his wife Barbara have four children: Aaron (and wife Evelyn), Corey (and wife Gretchen), Stephanie (and husband Tyson) and David (and wife Danielle), and a flock of wonderful grandchildren!  Tim’s passion is to be faithful to the mandate Christ gave His followers in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20) to make and build disciples.  When away from work Tim enjoys running with his wife, riding his motorcycle, and tinkering with old Volkswagens.
John 21:17 – “Jesus said, ‘Feed My sheep’.” 

chad frantz

Youth Pastor

Chad joined the staff at Skyline in October 2018.  He is married to Lilly and they have three children: Eden, Ezekiel and Zadok. His joy is to minister to youth being a tool God uses to work in their hearts.  Chad’s desire in ministry is to bring the truth of God’s Word to youth knowing as John 8:32 says, “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”  Chad completed his Master of Divinity degree at The Master’s Seminary (Class of 2016). During free time he enjoys tennis, basketball, fishing, and playing a challenging game of chess. 


Children's Ministry Director

Loy joined the staff at Skyline on February 1, 2015.  She and her husband Banner are blessed with four grown children (Reggie, Loretta, River, and Landon) and six precious grandchildren (Caleb, Jayce, Jaxon, Katherine, Josselyn, and Madison).  Loy loves to hike, camp, dance, “grandma,”  and lead women’s Bible study.  Loy has a deep passion to encourage children and adults to develop a deeper love for Jesus and the Bible.  “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth;  give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11 

Rachel Etzel

Office Manager

kelley jones
