Weekly Newsletter
July 19th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalOne of the most important truths we can know – and perhaps one of the most difficult truths to grasp – is the fact that not everything in life is about us.  That is, th...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
July 14th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalSatan is a tempter.  This is probably his most infamous work.  He delights in seducing people away from the Word (truth) of God.  He salivates over the opportunity to c...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
July 5th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalSatan is a destroyer – not in the playfully-innocent-toddler “terrible-two’s” type of destroyer, but more like the sadistically-wreaking-massive-havoc-and-devastation b...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
June 28th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalSatan is an accuser.  In fact, the very word translated “devil” (diabolos) in the New Testament literally means accuser (literally, bolos meaning “to throw” and dia mea...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
June 21st, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalSatan is a deceiver.  In the Bible we find that Satan is often described as a serpent who is, according to Genesis 3:1, “more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lo...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
June 14th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalDemons unfortunately have been domesticated in our current English vernacular.  People all too often speak of demons in casual, even flippant, conversation.  They joke ...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
June 7th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalEver wish you could be in more than one place at a time?  God has never had this problem, for He is everywhere.  Theologians refer to this doctrine as God’s omnipresenc...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
May 31st, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalGod’s omnipotence refers to His sovereign power and authority over all things – that nothing in all creation stands outside of the scope of God’s control.  There is not...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
May 24th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional      Imagine how powerful you would be if you knew only 24-hours into the future.  Not only could you win the lottery – every time! – but avoid many of life’s painful ...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
May 17th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalIn the sermon he preached on January 7, 1855, Charles Spurgeon (at the age of 20) gave the following introduction:It has been said by someone that “the proper study of ...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
May 10th, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional While God’s omniscient mind is infinitely greater than our finite human brains (Deut.29:29; Rom.11:33), much of God’s will is not mysterious or confusing at all.  Rath...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
May 3rd, 2021
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional Forgiveness can be at the same time both a comforting and discomforting word.  On the one hand, to receive forgiveness from someone you have wronged or hurt is a liber...  Read More