Weekly Newsletter

Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional
     Over the years, I have collected sayings regarding the differences between pride and humility.  They serve as helpful reminders that pride and humility are diametrically opposed to one another.

Prideful people desire to be praised by men.
Humble people desire to be pleasing to God.

Prideful people exalt themselves.
Humble people exalt Christ.

Prideful people revile when they suffer persecution for Christ.
Humble people rejoice when they suffer persecution for Christ.

Prideful people will fight to prove they are right.
Humble people will yield the right to be right.

Prideful people loathe serving others.
Humble people love serving others.

Prideful people pray to be seen by others and to justify self.
Humble people pray to seek God, His will, and His mercy.

Prideful people passionately proclaim what they have done for God.
Humble people passionately proclaim what God has done for them.

Prideful people believe that salvation is a matter of human achievement.
Humble people believe that salvation is a matter of divine accomplishment.

Prideful people are driven to be recognized and appreciated.
Humble people are driven to see God praised and exalted.

Prideful people aspire to be successful.
Humble people aspire to be faithful.

Prideful people measure themselves against the unrighteousness of others.
Humble people measure themselves against the righteousness of Christ.

Prideful people rely on the fallacy of earning God’s grace through works.
Humble people rely on the reality of receiving God’s grace through faith.

Prideful people examine others for sinful motives and actions.
Humble people examine their own lives for sinful motives and actions.

Prideful people minimize their need for and dependence on God.
Humble people recognize their need for and dependence on God.

Prideful people are concerned about the consequences of their sin.
Humble people are grieved by the root cause for their sin.

Together in and for Christ,
Pastor David

Scripture Readings for the Week (Monday – Sunday ~ Week #22):
Exodus 33-36; 1Kings 1-4; Psalms 63-65; Proverbs 1 Jeremiah 47-52; Luke 7-8; Galatians 1-3
Recommended Reading:
“Humility: The Beauty of Holiness” by Andrew Murray

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