Weekly Newsletter
March 28th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional      Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, tells of the time when he was walking down the street and passed a beggar.  He reached into his pocket to give the beggar s...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
March 21st, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     “If your religion can’t get you to church, it probably won’t get you to heaven either.”  I first heard that statement from a professing unbeliever who, on his radi...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
March 14th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     Growing in godliness can be both exhilarating and discouraging; exhilarating as we see ourselves making tangible steps toward spiritual maturity, and discouraging ...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
March 7th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     There is a subtle, yet damnable, heresy that can obscure our view of God and distort our perspective on Christ and of Christianity.  It is a cancerous tumor that c...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 28th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional      One essential aspect and duty of the Christian life is prayer.  The importance of prayer simply cannot be overstated.  As John MacArthur wrote, “Prayer is like br...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 21st, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     Sin is an ugly intrusion into the Christian’s otherwise godly life.  Sin is a spiritual tumor that spreads and grows if it is not destroyed.  Sin is a reprehensibl...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 14th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     The prophet-like words of A.W. Tozer heavily influenced evangelicalism in the mid 1900’s (as they do still today).  One of his more famous writings is entitled “Th...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 7th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     There is certainly no shortage today of things that can make us anxious or fearful.  Especially with the internet and social media, crises can seem to be pervasive...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 31st, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     One of my heroes is a man named Polycarp, who lived from about 70-155 a.d.  Polycarp was known as the Bishop of Smyrna in Asia Minor.  He was a godly and devout Ch...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 24th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     A woodpecker is a very interesting bird.  The loud rat-a-tat-tat noise he makes as he drills into trees in search of bugs to eat always attracts attention.  The se...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 17th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     Demons unfortunately have been domesticated in our current English vernacular.  People all too often speak of demons in casual, even flippant, conversation.  They ...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 10th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     “Why can’t you be normal like me?”  The problem with this question is two-fold.  First, it assumes that the person being asked the question is not normal.  Secondl...  Read More