Weekly Newsletter
February 27th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalIf you have ever seen a professional potter work a lump of clay, it is an impressive sight.  Having absolutely no artistic or pottery skills myself, I am always fascina...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 20th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalAs humans, we are hard-wired toward selfishness.  No one has to be taught how to be self-serving or self-centered; it comes to all of us quite naturally (we can even ta...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 13th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalOne of the most important truths a person can know – and perhaps one of the most difficult truths to come to grips with – is the fact that not everything in life is abo...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
February 6th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional“In 1997, the Chicago Bulls were soundly defeating the Atlanta Hawks when Atlanta coach Lenny Wilkins sent in Eldridge Recasner, known for his three-point play-making a...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 30th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalFor the Christian, “success” is defined by faithfulness in the eyes of God and not significance in the eyes of society.  The “successful Christians” are faithful to do,...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 23rd, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalWhen we truly look to Christ in all things, we will discover His will and purpose for our lives.  This spiritual perception and self-inspection involves several differe...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 16th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional     Scripture exhorts us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sa...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 9th, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalMost likely, anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time has discovered that the Christian life is full of paradoxes (i.e., an assertion that appears to be a...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
January 2nd, 2023
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional   Theologians are known for making distinctions.  They’ll come to blows over words like “by” or “through” or ‘in.”  Most of us have little time for such subtle, seemin...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
December 26th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional(continued from last week)     Why was Jesus born?  Thankfully, Scripture gives us many explicit and glorious reasons:1.   To defeat the devil by destroying his work (1...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
December 19th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalAs we celebrate Christmas, it is important to remember what Christmas is truly all about.  It is the celebration of the incarnation of the Son of God.  That is, the tim...  Read More
Weekly Newsletter
December 12th, 2022
Pastor David’s Weekly DevotionalScripture clearly and repeatedly states that there is only one way – only one way to God, only one way to heaven, only one way to be forgiven by God, only one way to be...  Read More