Weekly Newsletter
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional
One essential aspect and duty of the Christian life is prayer. The importance of prayer simply cannot be overstated. As John MacArthur wrote, “Prayer is like breathing for Christians.”
Prayer holds a preeminent place in God’s Word. In Scripture we are exhorted to pray regularly, humbly, fervently, sincerely, continuously, faithfully, boldly, persistently, expectantly and reverently.
One essential aspect and duty of the Christian life is prayer. The importance of prayer simply cannot be overstated. As John MacArthur wrote, “Prayer is like breathing for Christians.”
Prayer holds a preeminent place in God’s Word. In Scripture we are exhorted to pray regularly, humbly, fervently, sincerely, continuously, faithfully, boldly, persistently, expectantly and reverently.
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1 Comment
Good stuff!