Weekly Newsletter

Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional
God’s omnipotence refers to His sovereign power and authority over all things – that nothing in all creation stands outside of the scope of God’s control.  There is not one molecule in the universe – not one dust particle, grain of sand or microscopic virus – that is beyond God’s sovereign power and authority.  Since God is omnipotent, we know that …
1)   He rules and works all things according to His own purpose and pleasure.
We know that God possesses ultimate and inexhaustible power to act according to His sovereign will (Ps.115:3; 135:6; Eph.1:11), and we ought to be eternally grateful to know that God expresses the greatness of His power in the perfection of His love (Eph.3:7; 2Cor.12:9; 2Pet.1:3-4).  God displayed His omnipotent purpose and pleasure in sending His one and only Son to die for our sins, and in raising Him from the dead in order to conquer both sin and death forevermore.
2)   He will never falter nor fail to accomplish His perfect plan.
We know that no single act, or cumulative acts, of evil can keep God from accomplishing His sovereign plan.  God’s sovereign plan will always move forward according to His perfect will.  Human actions, or inactions, cannot alter or destroy God’s sovereign plan.  God is not anxiously wondering (worried) if His plan will prevail.  He is in heaven, seated upon His throne in regal glory and sovereign omnipotence, working out everything in conformity to His will (Ps.2:1-6, 47:8, 93:1-2; Eph.1:11). 
3)   He cannot be defeated or diminished in anyway.
We know that absolutely nothing is equal to God, or exists outside of His sovereign control.  There is no one like or equal to God.  For He alone is omnipotent, and He alone is the self-existing Creator of all things (Is.40:25-26).  God is matchless and supreme as God, and nothing can defeat or diminish Him as God.  For He is, and has always been, and will forever be infinitely, perfectly, and fully God (Is.45:5; Jer.10:6).
4)   He is utterly self-sufficient and independent from anything outside of Himself.
God does not need us in order for Him to be God.  He would not cease to be God if all creation disappeared.  He would not be diminished in His divine fullness, or lessened in His divine power, if the world did not exist.  God is not like us, He is not a created being but the Creator God.  He is infinitely self-existing, self-sufficient, and sovereign.  We know that God needs nothing, but has chosen us on the basis of His goodness and for His glory (Acts 17:24-25; Ps.50.8-12).
5)   He will never, in any way, cease to be the one and only true and living God.
God is infinite, immortal, and eternal (Deut.6:4; Ps.93:2).  Although in this life we do not fully understand God, or all that He is doing, we know that God is absolutely worthy of our supreme worship, unwavering trust, and humble devotion.  His omnipotence ought not to cause us to question His goodness, but to realize that His goodness is powered by His greatness.  His mercy is powered by His might, and His might is guided by His mercy.
Our response to God’s omnipotence ought to be one of supreme worship, unwavering trust, and humble devotion (Ps.86:10-13; 145:1-3; Heb.12:28-29).

Together in and for Christ,
Pastor David

Scripture Readings for the Week (Monday – Sunday ~ Week #22):
Exodus 33-36; 1Kings 1-4; Psalms 63-65; Proverbs 1 Jeremiah 47-52; Luke 7-8; Galatians 1-3

Recommended Reading:
“The Attributes of God” by A.W. Pink

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