Weekly Newsletter
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional
Where most of the New Testament books (which are actually letters) begin with a salutation, and end with benediction, the book of “1 John” does neither. 1 John is convicting and straightforward. It contains stark “black and white” contrasts: love and hatred, light and darkness, truth and lies, righteousness and sin, Christ and the antichrists, the Spirit of God and the spirit of the world, children of God and children of the devil.
Where most of the New Testament books (which are actually letters) begin with a salutation, and end with benediction, the book of “1 John” does neither. 1 John is convicting and straightforward. It contains stark “black and white” contrasts: love and hatred, light and darkness, truth and lies, righteousness and sin, Christ and the antichrists, the Spirit of God and the spirit of the world, children of God and children of the devil.
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