Weekly Newsletter
Pastor David’s Weekly Devotional
11. Suffering can create in us a hunger for God’s Word/truth
12. Suffering can stir within us a longing for Christ’s return
Together in and for Christ,
Pastor David
Scripture Readings for the Week (Monday – Sunday ~ Week #39):
Numbers 25-28; 2 Chronicles 6-10; Psalm 114-116; Proverbs 26-27; Obadiah; Acts 1-2; Hebrews 1-4
Recommended Reading:
“Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?” by Ligon Duncan
As we have seen, the Bible reveals many blessings that come from suffering:
1. Suffering can humble us
2. Suffering can mature us
3. Suffering can sanctify us
4. Suffering can drive us to pray
5. Suffering can compel us to be (more) grateful
6. Suffering can elicit in us compassion for others
7. Suffering can awaken us to our own mortality
8. Suffering can unmask the depravity and severity of sin
9. Suffering can motivate us to evangelize unbelievers/the lost
10. Suffering can expose our worldly securities and latent idolatries
11. Suffering can create in us a hunger for God’s Word/truth
Today we are inundated with information but starving for truth. Through the many various media outlets available to us today, there is no shortage of opinions and beliefs being declared. And, often, these subjective (impassioned) opinions are presented as objective (indisputable) facts. Our society has even embraced the slogan “That’s my truth!” (supposedly allowing for everyone to have their own truth). But opinions are not truth, and feelings are not facts.
In times of tranquility and prosperity this can seem to be entertaining and harmless. However, in times of suffering, when we are in desperate need of certainty and security, we long for the truth of God’s Word (see Ps.119:71, 92). As Christians, we are commanded to be immersed in the Word (truths) of God (Col.3:16). We are to have an insatiable hunger and thirst for God’s Word (1Pet.2:2). As one who is stumbling in the darkness longs for light, so too those who are suffering long for the light of the truth of God. In a world that is searching for answers, and wallowing in lies, God’s Word remains the eternal, perfect and unfailing source of truth (see Heb.4:12; 2Tim.3:16-17; Jn.17:17).
12. Suffering can stir within us a longing for Christ’s return
Personally, I do not think I have ever heard as many Christians express their desire for the Lord’s Second Coming as I have throughout this past year; and that is no coincidence. It is good for us to be reminded that this world is not our home, that we are “strangers and aliens” in this world (see Phil.3:20-21; Heb.10:32-36; 11:16; 2Pet.3:11-12).
The comforts and pleasures of this life can make us feel all too at home in this world. If we are not careful, we can ignore the fact that Satan is the ruler of this world (Jn.12:31). If we are not discerning, we can be seduced into thinking that the sin and evil in this world is not really that bad (1Jn.2:15-17). If we are not vigilant, we can be lulled into a false sense of safety and security in this world.
The trials and sufferings of this life can awaken us to the wickedness of this world, and to the glories of heaven (2Cor.4:16-18; Rom.8:18). As Christians, we need to recognize that nothing on this earth even remotely compares to heaven – no pleasure, no happiness, no luxury, no solace. Suffering can remind us that we ought to be longing for Christ’s Return (2Tim.4:8). Like a splash of cold water to the face, suffering can awaken us to the reality that this world is as close to hell as the Christian will ever be. When we hear Christ say, “Surely I am coming soon” Christians are to respond by saying, “Amen. Come Lord Jesus!” (Rev.22:20).
Together in and for Christ,
Pastor David
Scripture Readings for the Week (Monday – Sunday ~ Week #39):
Numbers 25-28; 2 Chronicles 6-10; Psalm 114-116; Proverbs 26-27; Obadiah; Acts 1-2; Hebrews 1-4
Recommended Reading:
“Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?” by Ligon Duncan
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